LinkedIn Company Page Tips for Beginners

by Sree V - Aug 1, 2021

“LinkedIn company pages are dead!”

This is what a well-known LinkedIn influencer has said in a recent workshop that I attended. 

This shook me. As I was lately, but increasingly relying on LinkedIn for B2B lead generation.

When asked for an explanation on this statement, he said that the reach of company pages is negligible compared to the reach of personal profiles on LinkedIn.

I experimented with it myself.

Taking inspiration from A/B testing (A user experience research methodology), I have consistently posted content for the next few days on both accounts( Personal profile and the company page on LinkedIn).

I have posted the same content, at the same time, with the same copy, on both my profile page and the company page.

I didn't do it manually but used a tool called publer, where I could schedule publishing my posts on all social media accounts needed.

I could see the drastic difference. The impressions gained by the posts on my profile were 10x higher than the impressions gained by the posts on the company page. 

Even LinkedIn itself has stated that personal profiles have 10x the reach of the company page

This made me realise the importance of humanizing the brand, especially on LinkedIn. 

When it comes to B2B businesses, people do not buy from companies. People buy from people. 

Well, Does it mean the company page I have been handling is no good to generate any business?

No. That’s not true. 

Personal profiles can indeed reach far more people and gain more followers comparatively. That doesn't necessarily mean the company pages are dead. 

There are LinkedIn company pages that are performing exceptionally well and gaining followers and eventually customers!

LinkedIn Company Page tips for the Starters

These tips are for the starters who want to grow followers from a small number or even from zero. 

1. Optimize your Page for SEO

Apart from adding a logo and a cover page, it is equally important to optimize your LinkedIn company page for search engines.

Usage of good keywords in the tagline and About section makes it easier for Search engines to show your LinkedIn company page on top of its search results.

To get the right keywords, you can use the following tools.

  • Google keyword planner
  • Moz Keyword explorer
  • SEMRush

2. Map your employees to your page

When employees are properly mapped to your company profile, every time the employee makes a new connection, they will be prompted to follow your page.

Not just this, but for starters, the boost that employees can create for the brand is priceless. 

Your employees can share your posts with their connections and can prompt their connections who are interested, to follow your page.

3. Add a follow button to your website

This is especially useful if your business is based majorly on LinkedIn. Ask your web developer to create a button for LinkedIn on your website. This can drive your website traffic to your LinkedIn.

4. Post content regularly

This doesn't necessarily mean you have to post the content daily. It only means it has to be consistently regular. You can post once every day or a week. For some, posting once every month is the consistency. 

When you post consistently, the reach is 2 X more.

5. Mention influencers from your industry

Do not overdo it, as it may look spammy and LinkedIn may stop showing your post to others.

But once in a while, you can @mention in your posts those non-competing influencers who you wish to associate with from your industry. This will keep you in front of their feed.

6. Share visual content 

Visual content is snackable and easily digestible. The engagement rate on posts containing images is 650 per cent higher than text-only posts.

7. Use the 3-2-1 method

LinkedIn advocates implementing the 3-2-1 method of posting the content on the platform.

This means to post 3 posts in a week that are useful to your followers, 2 posts that make your employees and members proud, and just 1 post a week for marketing your product.


96 per cent of the B2B buyers make a purchase decision on LinkedIn. That's a huge market to tap on. 

Grow your followers organically by following these techniques and enjoy the innumerable benefits LinkedIn has to offer!

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